Joy in the Journey
I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Thursday, April 04, 2013
11-11-11 theCall (A Poem)
Sunday, February 24, 2013
The Seven Longings of the Human Heart
Friday, February 08, 2013
exceedingly abundantly above and beyond...
For example...While stuck in my 9-5 customer service job a couple of years ago, I was asked the question "If you could do anything, what would it be?" My answer was to teach at the college level and to write. I have always wanted to write. I have always wanted to teach. I realized in college that elementary ed was not it, so I switched majors to Christian Ed. I enjoyed junior high and high school more so I was a Youth Pastor for awhile. When I spent time raising funds to go to the mission field I realized that my favorite part was educating people about the serious need for missionaries in the 10-40 window. I was passionate about it and discovered a voice for speaking before a crowd that I didn't realize that I had. I was beginning to understand that God given passion was the key. When He places something on my heart I cannot keep silent. He has placed His finger on my heart on many subjects; missions, keeping the first commandment in first place, the Song of Songs from the perspective of Jesus as the Bridegroom, the House of Prayer movement, inner healing, and Eschatology.
So traditionally speaking I was thinking college professor, maybe comparative religion. I wanted to write something inspirational, but had no idea where to start. When I left Kansas City and the IHOP-KC internship to move to Michigan, I wasn't sure what I was going to do. All I knew for sure was that it would be through the context of the House of Prayer movement. I was already partnering with Oasis House of Prayer in Canton once a month, but I wasn't sure if that would be permanent or if God had other plans. I was bursting at the seams with everything He had downloaded into me during the internship. I was looking for an outlet.
I found myself back in a 9-5 customer service job within 30 days. It wasn't what I had in mind when I finally moved to Michigan, but it was a financial gift from God. Within 6 months, the Director of Oasis and the leadership team had announced a God-given vision for ministry that would be expanding the current Oasis House of Prayer to include a church plant and a school of ministry. Soon after the birth of Desert Voice Ministries, I was asked to consider joining the servant leadership team and to help build the school of ministry. I found myself on the Education Team helping to write and develop curriculum, and preparing to help facilitate and teach the very topics that the Lord had been imprinting on my heart. I can't believe I am part of something so amazing! At this is just the tip of the iceberg. Tonight I led my first worship set with my own team in the House of Prayer. I have been prayer leading and working on building the Hospitality aspect of the the expectations, my attempts at making my own dreams come true, have all been blown out of the water. God's dreams for my life; His fulfillment of every righteous longing, are exceedingly abundantly above and beyond all I could ever imagine. As I pursue His heart, He pursues mine. And my heart is full. Full of joy, full of contentment, full of peace...full of confidence in who I am and Who I belong to. So many times the works of the Lord in our lives look nothing like we expected them to look. I say praise the Lord for that!
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
While I love the thought of (and vaguely remember) gas being under a 1.00/gallon, the lack of foresight stirs up my soul. If the sign is an indication of the business planning it's no wonder the tiny station has been closed and deserted for so long that it's barely recognizable. But the building has never been torn down. It's still there, isolated on the opposite side of the freeway from all of the big time gas stations and fast food restaurants. It sort of reminds me of the Disney movie Cars where all of the businesses on the old Route 66 are suffering and rundown.
Men perish for lack of vision. This sign sparked in me the reality of how unprepared we are as a people for the end of the age. Jesus said that He was coming back, but I believe that His people have forgotten what that means. And honestly, I believe most of His people have either given up on seeing His second coming, or they just expect it to happen at any moment with no warning. Jesus warns us to not be caught sleeping, so that the second coming is like a thief in the night. But I don't believe that for those with their eyes and hearts open that His return will be anything like a thief in the night. I have come to understand that there was a 3rd party in the parable of the 5 Wise and 5 Foolish virgins...the one outside who announced that the Bridegroom was coming!
The end of the age became a reality for me at two different moments in my life. One moment scared me, and the other transformed me. When I was about 14 years old I watched a 70's movie about the Rapture called "A Thief in the Night". The movie portrayed people disappearing right and left and being caught up to be with Jesus while the rest of the world is left to face the Tribulation and all of it's horrors. I went to the altar that night, even though I knew I was a Christian, and got "more right" with God. I was crying and scared and wanted to be ready. That summer I definitely matured in my faith and consecrated my future to His plan. But that view of the End Times did not transform my heart. The fear subsided and I began to live again like it was never going to happen in my time.
When I went to IHOP-KC, however, I was faced again with the reality of the coming of Jesus to rule and reign. For the first time in my life I began studying the Word and Revelation and it was actually making sense. As I studied, my eschatological stance began to form. I finally began to understand what all the terminology meant and was able to start clarifying what I believed. My entire life I had been taught that we could not know when He was coming and that it didn't matter as long as I was "ready" to go when the Rapture occurred. I would then be caught up with Jesus, safe from the Anti-Christ and Tribulation...suffice it to say I don't believe that anymore. Once I learned that Revelation could actually be interpreted literally and understood by the common believer, it changed my entire paradigm. The Lord began to open my mind to His word, and began to show me signs in the Spirit about what is already happening and what is to come. For the first time in my life I believe that I will see the return of Jesus, though I may be very old, and know in my heart that I have to be made ready and help make others ready to meet Him face to face. He has placed the cry of the ultimate forerunner, John the Baptist, in my heart and a desire for all to know and understand what is to come. Through His Word and by His Spirit, we will be able to discern the signs of the times, and eventually, we will be able to know when He will return (Rev 11:7-19). Holy Spirit has lit a fire in my heart to teach Revelation and Eschatology, so that is exactly what I am preparing to do.
The enemy has kept us blind for too long. Hope deferred has made our heart sick as a people, hoping and praying for the Lord to return for generations to the point that we now don't even look to the sky. Lulling us to sleep is the first step in the Anti-Christ's plan for domination. And unfortunately the belief that we will be "caught up" before all of the really bad stuff happens is only adding to the delusion. We are a people called to intimacy with Jesus, for intimacy will sustain us in the Tribulation to come. If we study and press in to the Father's heart, we will be able to discern the changing of the seasons and will be able to see through the lies of the Anti-Christ. In that position we will be able to partner with Christ as the great and terrible day approaches, and for all eternity. A lack of understanding and preparation will cause offense in the hearts of even believers and they will fall away or suffer loss. I finally have some spiritual foresight and can understand the importance of being informed and ready to meet the challenges that are ahead. It is my desire the help others to reach the same confidence before the Lord.
Monday, November 07, 2011
true femininity
The journey was monumental for me and the Lord really did a deep work in my heart in several areas. One of the hardest weeks for me was True Femininity. By hard, I mean that it was tough to be completely vulnerable and honest with how I was feeling, and the process was emotional. The healing, however, that God performed in my heart and mind was so amazing. I have not been the same since. I am a firm believer in this book and the process that the Coles have laid out because they facilitate allowing the Holy Spirit to come and do the deep work that transforms lives. There is so much power in operating the freedom of healing and in knowing your true identity in the Lord. Part of that healing process has been in continuing to work with Pure Heart programs. While in Kansas City, I co-led a small group for the new interns that arrived after we finished track one. And now, in Michigan, I have had the opportunity to co-lead another small group through the same program in my new church. God even stepped it up a notch and gave me the opportunity to share a devotional/testimony on True Femininity night. This is an extended version of that testimony:
Women are an equal but different expression of the image of God. Even as a woman, it has taken me quite some time to begin to understand that. The Hebrew word used for woman in the Creation story is "ezer kenegdo" (Genesis 2:18) which means powerful equal, not just a helper. We were not an afterthought in God's plan, but part of a two-fold expression of the heart of God. The first account of Creation in Genesis 1:27 says "So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created He him, male and female created He them." We can see the sacredness of the the salvation covenant between God and mankind reflected in the marriage partnership He designed for a man and a woman. We are to become "one flesh" with our mates and we are to become as "one" in our relationship with God. This act of coming together in total agreement is the same picture we see portrayed in the image of the marriage of the Bridegroom Jesus and His Bride, the Church. It takes time and hard work to come into agreement with another person and with God. Let me just say here, too, that maybe that's why it's taking Jesus so long to return? But isn't funny how after couples have been together for decades they actually begin to "look like" one another? We become what we behold (I Cor. 3:18).
The Beatitude for this chapter is "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy." (Matt. 5:7) In women we find a natural tendency towards mercy, though men are to show mercy as well. Women reflect the beautiful and relational side of the Father. We we created to be nurturing and compassionate. We were created with the longing to be captivated and pursued by another. We long to know that we are the only woman in the world that our man loves, and ultimately that God loves us and pursues us unconditionally. We long to connect with others on a deep level and showing mercy is a natural response to being in a trusting and wholehearted relationship. These things are the reflection of the Father's own heart and desires. He is jealous for us and will not suffer other lovers. He longs to be in relationship with us and desires to be pursued wholeheartedly. His plan for men and women is for them to serve together as equal partners in right relationship with Him and to be a reflection of His many attributes. We were all made to love Him and be loved by Him.
When Satan approached Eve and she gave into temptation, more happened than just the first sin - the results were not just being kicked out of Eden and women acquiring pain in childbirth. The Scripture leads us to believe that Adam was standing right there while Eve was being tempted, and he did not speak up or make a stand when she ate of the fruit and shared it with him. Eve directly disobeyed God's command that had been handed down to her through Adam, and Adam did not step up into his role of spiritual head of the relationship and try to correct or protect Eve. We can see the results of this betrayal in our relationships today. The Fall did not change our roles; the Fall resulted in men backing down and women taking things into their own hands. I love the quote from this website from the Jewish commentator Rashi: "If he [Adam] is worthy, [she will be] a help [ezer]. If he is not worthy [she will be] against him [kenegdo] for strife." In our brokenness, not only do we try to do things that we were not created to do, but we also try to fill legitimate needs in illegitimate ways. The Word says that the woman would desire to rule her husband but he would continue to be expected to be the spiritual head of the relationship. (Gen. 3:16) This struggle has lasted throughout history. An insecurity in the heart of women started with Eve and carries on in women's hearts today.
One thing that the Lord has been teaching me in the past year or so is that Satan doesn't just randomly attack us. He is not a prankster. He has a strategy and he has the advantage of not only knowing God since the Beginning, but also knowing humans and their tendencies. He hated Eve because she reflected the beauty of God and for the fact that she was given the ability to produce life. It is said that Lucifer was the most beautiful angel in heaven, and that his downfall was a desire to be worshipped. A human created to reflect the beauty of God would be like a slap in the face. He has been trying to destroy our beauty since that first day that he confronted Eve. Tom Cole points out in this chapter that the hatred of women in the world is illogical and compares it to the hatred of Jews. All throughout history we have been enslaved, abused, murdered, objectified, and at the very least, considered inferior in status or in intelligence. This is not just by happenstance; Satan has deliberately influenced our society to view woman in these ways. One example of how his schemes are designed can be seen the area of pursuit and commitment. The enemy knows that women desire to be pursued and shown faithfulness and loyalty and that these things allow her to trust and fully open up to a man. So we see men who pursue women, but it's often a game (subconsciously or otherwise) and they are seemingly incapable of commitment or fidelity. It is a lie that men cannot help but cheat. But because the lie is so prevalent we adopt it as truth instead of agreeing with the Creator about His Creation. He created men to be faithful and protect the heart of women. This scheme is two-fold in nature, because not only does this mistrust of men affect our ability to be in healthy relationships, it also skews our view of God, and can affect our ability to accept the truth of His heart for us. The insecurity and lack of trust can manifest in many different ways. Some women remain passive and live the life of a victim of whatever abuse they have endured. They are convinced that either they do not deserve better or that they would be worse off alone. Other women take a protective and defensive stance. They become the "maneaters" who are bitter and hateful; emasculating the men around them with their words and they become fiercely independent. They are determined to convince everyone (including themselves) that they don't need men and can do anything that men can do. And sometimes women completely deny their femininity. These women reject their beauty because of they way they have been abused or objectified and feel they can not trust men at all. Sometimes women will choose homosexuality over heterosexual relationships because they desire relationship but cannot trust men with their hearts. All of these emotions can carry over into our view of God and can wreak havoc on our ability to trust His love for us.
The feminist movement had some positive outcome but is also a source of deception. Pursuing equality outside of God's definition and standard has led to legalized abortion, gender confusion and the breakdown of the nuclear family. There is a constant struggle within us as we long for the things that have hurt us because of the fallen state of humanity. We try to live without them but we were meant for them. The enemy wants us to remain in this state of disconnect. The last thing he wants is for us to operate as we were created to operate, individually or as a team. He does not want us to relate to each other as God intended, and he does not want us to raise functional families that are pleasing to the Lord. There is strength and power and beauty in how we were intended to work together and compliment one another. The reflection of the Creator is incomplete without our partnership. The enemy is actively and intentionally destroying the hearts of men and women by whispering lies into their ears. And I, like so many others, have been buying into them.
I had gathered much insecurity unto myself over the years due to rejection and deception. I believed the lies about what the world called beautiful. When the hurtful jabs came at me at different times in my life, I came to believe that I was not beautiful. I compartmentalized inner and outer beauty and resigned myself to having to settle for the "inner beauty" as if that somehow made me incomplete. As I began dealing with the issues raised in this book, I began to realize that though I had some revelation of God's love and acceptance of me, I had no faith in those around me and felt the need to protect myself. I had placed the perceived importance of being married or in a relationship as the measuring stick for my own worth. I walked away from a relationship not long after I graduated from college because I knew that the Lord was not in it. I told the Lord that I never wanted to be distracted from Him in that way again. I didn't want to play the dating game; I wanted Him to bring the right man into my life. But as the years went by, I started to lose hope and hold a grudge against the Lord because I assumed He was calling me to be single. Ultimately I believed that I was not worthy of love or pursuit. I lost hope because my hope and identity were in the wrong place. As the Lord very gently began to reveal to me the true state of my heart, He showed me three things.
- First, He showed me that internally I was holding others to the same superficial worldly definition of beauty that had caused me so much pain. This was an excruciating revelation.
- Second, He showed me that I was holding my singleness against Him. I was assuming that because I wasn't married yet that He was calling me to be single and that was not the desire of my heart. The reality was that He wasn't calling me to be single. He was actually honoring my request to not be distracted in my relationship with Him and asking me to wait on Him. He was not saying "no", he was saying "not yet".
- And third, He showed me that I was protecting myself from rejection by inwardly judging or rejecting others first. Basically I had become somewhat unapproachable because I had this huge back off sign on my forehead in the spiritual realm. I was using what was initially a noble request (to not lose focus on the Lord) as a shield to protect myself from rejection. I was allowing myself to be intimidated by certain types of men and women that reminded me of people who had hurt me in the past. My self-hatred was being projected in my countenance and was affecting how I related to others.
The Lord brought me to these painful revelations because He wants me to change my definition of beauty. He wants me to accept the Truth that how HE see me is truly the only measure of my worth. He loves me way too much to allow me to continue in the mindset that I am unlovable. Through this process He has delivered me from a spirit of rejection; a tool that the enemy was using to hold me back and keep me from walking in the confidence of my true identity in Christ. I am finally beginning to understand what true beauty looks like. He has brought healing to those wounds from the past and has given me new confidence as the King's daughter as described in Psalm 45:9-17. I am one whose beauty is desired by the King and it brings honor Him. One of the transformations I saw in myself during that time may seem small, but I share it as a part of my testimony because it is pretty significant to me. I used to struggle with being photographed. I was very critical and particular about pictures being posted on Facebook and n albums because I just didn't like what I saw. I noticed after several weeks that when viewing photos of myself that I felt very differently about what I was seeing. There was a difference in the countenance of my face and the depth of my smile because of the healing I was experiencing. But the most amazing difference was that I didn't hate what I saw in those pictures anymore. My heart has actually started to come into agreement with the fact that I am beautiful in the sight of the Lord. What He says about me is the only thing that truly matters.
So women of God, I urge you to embrace the Word of the Lord about your femininity.
"Behold you are all fair, my love! Behold you are fair!" Song of Songs 1:15
"You have ravished His heart with one look of your eyes!" Song of Songs 4:9
"The King greatly desires your beauty!" Psalm 45:11
I believe that we need to pray actively and intentionally for revelation and stand in our authority as Believers to take back our identity. We need to pray for the Truth to overcome the deception and the Light to overcome the darkness. Women were created to reflect the beauty of the Lord in all of His mercy, compassion and loving kindness. We were created in God's image, and He makes everything glorious. Rise, Daughters of Zion; be confident in the One who love you without condition and let your beauty shine forth! This is a part of our worship and testimony before the Throne.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
"I'm just happy to hear that I am not crazy!"I had the privilege to lead our very last small group meeting of the internship. It was providential because the day before, God had given me a message to share and the timing was perfect. After I had written my last post, a friend had sent me an email and totally identified what I was really feeling: Panic. Through the leading of the Holy Spirit, she reminded me that this 6 month experience was like a cross cultural trip, and should be treated as such as far as re-entry into my home and relationships. I have been forever changed by the experience that the Lord has brought me through at IHOP-KC. And at the same time, all of my family and friends have also moved on with their lives, going through their owns changes and journeys. These two things colliding can sometimes cause a bit of a reverse culture shock. Not only am I concerned about integrating the knowledge and changes into my life back home, but I was concerned about translating back into the lives of those whom I love.
My friend sent me several articles, reminding of my previous cross cultural training. It was exactly what I needed to hear, and the revelation burned on my heart. I needed to share this with my fellow interns. We hadn't covered the concept in our closing sessions. It was true that a lot of interns were staying in KC to join staff, but many were not. And even though many were joining staff, at some point they would be going home to raise a team of supporters. The very next morning, I was given the opportunity to take charge of the last small group meeting.
I put together a short exhortation of the main points of the articles. I wanted to bring awareness and offer tips on how to navigate through the emotions that would rise. When I finished and prayed for my team, one of the girls exclaimed "I am just happy to know I am not crazy!" She had left mid-internship to spend a weekend with her family at her brother's graduation. She did not understand the unsettled feelings she was experiencing and the trouble she was having relating to people. Because I shared the truth that had been revealed to me, someone else was also touched and given language for the emotions she was experiencing. Not everyone will have the same type of struggle, but being aware of the possibility is half the battle! Given this information we can pray more specifically and have the tools to combat the attack of the enemy. Spiritual warfare will definitely be in our future. We will have to resist the enemy who will try to steal the seeds that have been planted. If we understand that the emotions we will face are normal, it will be easier to stand strong and rely on the Lord to walk us through it. We do not want to compromise what we have learned for the sake of getting along with everyone. We want to integrate the truth into our lives and trust that the Lord will help us to maintain relationship in the process. After the positive response I got from the team that night, I put together an email with links to the articles and sent them to as many of my fellow interns as possible. My core leaders also said that they would be using the information in pastoring future interns in their closing connection meetings. Thank you God!
Not only did God send the right message at the right time, but in His abundant grace He went a step further. A group of friends have formed a "re-entry team" on my behalf. They have scanned the concepts of re-entry and committed to praying for me during the transition (which could take 6-12 months), as well as being there for me when I need to talk or cry or vent or tell stories that only I think are funny. By having a team of people around me who are aware of the season I am in, the transition will be even smoother. Even in my new found awareness, I can't possibly know the range of emotions or obstacles I might face. But the Lord of Hosts know all things and He is making a way for me. He is the Good Shepherd and I lack nothing. He is not only interested in bringing wisdom and revelation into my life, He is interested in protecting the seeds that He has planted so that they can be nurtured and brought to fruition.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
"If we consider the unblushing promises of reward and the staggering nature of the rewards promised in the Gospels, it would seem that our Lord finds our desires, not too strong, but too weak. We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us; like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased." - CS Lewis
The entries in my journal for the past three weeks have had a common theme: a deep desire to remain diligent. Living here at IHOP the past 6 months has been like a true oasis and a breath of fresh air. It has been water for my thirsty soul. The discipline of the program and the Holy Spirit have given me the boundaries necessary to stay on track. I now find that I am afraid of being left to my own devices, so to speak, and the barrage of distractions that await me. I feel exhausted really for the first time since I got here and have felt myself wanting to pull away from many things. I have had a tough time certain days staying engaged in the program and sticking to my commitment to the fasted lifestyle. I don't want to go back to the way that I was; settling for lesser things, wasting my time on frivolous pursuits. Even in this place I don't feel like I have my personal life structured or disciplined enough.
The truth is that I have come a long way. Sanctification is a life long process. My own twisted sense of perfectionism wants the work to be complete. I no longer want to struggle with all of the issues that have been brought to the surface and revealed to me through His kindness and gentle mercy. But what has really happened in the past 6 months is that while I have been set free of so many things, ultimately the point is awareness. The Father has made me aware of the snares of the enemy and given me the grace to stand against him in my authority as a believer. Temptations never cease, they just get more subtle. The Father has given me confidence in my identity in Him and in the calling He has placed on my heart. It is with these tools that I will be able to continue to stand and walk in obedience. It is by continuing to behold Him as in a mirror with unveiled face that I will become more and more like Him. He will complete the work He has begun in me. So in my voluntary weakness, though I get frustrated and doubtful, and see the lack that still exists in my soul, I will say "Jesus, I trust your leadership." I will rest in His promise that His strength will be made perfect in my weakness. And I will pray:
"God help me. I want to be intentional about how I spend my time. I want to stay in the Word. I want to give myself to prayer. I want to stay connected intimately to Your heart. I do not want to be dull with the things of this world. I want to be fascinated by You. I have tasted and I have seen and I cannot go back to the way things were. I want to be a bright and shining lamp, one who is on fire for You. I want to glorify Your Name and make Your Name known every where I go. I want to serve You, and serve Your children whom You love. I want to do things that matter and that last unto the Day of Your appearing. I want to walk in the fullness of Your plan for my life. I want to operate in the fullness of my identity in You. Strengthen my weak heart. Anoint my weak words. Bless my weak attempts. I cannot accomplish one of these things without You. I choose to walk in weakness before you so that Your strength can be made perfect in me and that You will be glorified. Lead me. All power and authority has been given unto You, Jesus. Amen."
Although this is the final week of Intro to IHOP and the program is almost complete, I am still a work in progress. This is only the beginning of the next chapter in my journey. It is my hope that with each turn of the page of my story the Lord will be glorified more and more.
"I want to be well pleasing to You on the Day that I stand before You. I want to be well pleasing to You, so I make it my aim in all I do."
Friday, May 27, 2011
the miracle of the missing mini-notebook...
Saturday, May 21, 2011
where is the time going?
Sunday, April 17, 2011
a day in the life of an intern...
