Monday, April 17, 2006

vineyard values

I spent some time on a Saturday morning not too long ago learning about my new church family. The Vineyard church I attend has a class for new attendees called Vineyard Values. Vineyard is not a denomination, but an Association of churches. They don't do formal membership, which sits well with me because of prior experience! However, they do offer a opportunity for people who desire to learn more about the church and the Vineyard movement in the form of a casual Saturday morning class. Pastor Steve led the class, and we talked about the history of the movement, it's origin and it's beliefs.

I have to say that I have been in a lot of churches and a lot of "what we believe" type classes. I have not, however, cried through any of them because the Holy Spirit has moved in my heart. Until now. I felt so connected to the pastor because he came from the same church background as I did, and he has such a healthy grip on accepting the good and the bad that has come from it. I want to be in that place; seeing how God has used all things to work together for my good. But more than just relating to Pastor Steve, everything he shared about how God has moved in the Vineyard churches rang true with my heart. I consistently nodded my head because the values of the Vineyard coincided with what God has been doing in my life for the past three years. I couldn't believe how perfect the fit was, except to know that it is His Providential Hand that led me to this place.

God has heard my prayers of loneliness and discontent and He has brought to this Community of Believers. I'm home.