Saturday, August 12, 2006


This weekend holds a very important event; a reunion for camp workers who worked at Mt of Praise camp with Cheryl B. and Janette P. Over the course of about 16 years these two amazing women ran the children's ministry at this 10 day family camp. And if that's not a big enough job, they decided to have a group of 25-30 teenagers and young adults work with them. At times it was like babysitting for two different, and yet very similar, groups of kids. But to the two of them, it was all ministry. They were (and continue to be) vessels through which God changed the hearts and lives of children and young people alike. Not only were we taught how to minister to the children, we were also ministered to; and loved unconditionally by Cheryl and Janette. We were all "their kids" and they smacked us around when we needed it, and fought for our honor when we needed it. Friendships were built during those hot August days that would last a lifetime, and even this weekend after all these years, people are coming from miles around and across state lines to reminisce about the old days and fellowship together.

Camp was one of the most influential tools God used in my life to shape me into who I am today. These women were a part of that. I learned so much about Kingdom work, about myself, about the gifts God has given me...and the friendships! I am in awe of the people God placed in my life, and how connected my heart is to them. The laughter and the tears and the hard work built a bond between us, and the memories are sweet. Even now as our daily lives draw us apart, sharing one story from that time in our lives can bridge the gap and make it seem like we are still in that basement, surrounded by music and decorations, kids ministering to's the greatest feeling.

I am looking forward to seeing everyone this weekend. Hopefully it will become an annual tradition and grow as we connect with more and more faces and names from the past. I feel blessed to have had such a life altering experience.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would love to hear the whole story of that gathering. Who showed up?
We tried to contact Janette this past week from C-ville at General council. The only number posted was her old church phone. Could you pass along her cell #?
We can be reached at
Thanks, Neil Swanger