Monday, March 27, 2006

back in the saddle again

I guess I have left ya'all hangin' on the blogfront about the job! Here's the scoop:

2 minutes into the interview - I had made a connection with the interviewing manager and could tell that this interview was going better than the last one.

40 minutes later - I was on the road back home, talking to friends on the phone and telling them how well it went and how peaceful I felt.

20 minutes after I got home - I got a phone call from the hiring firm wanting to know if I could start the next morning at 8:30!

24 hours later - I was finishing my very first day as an Ashland Chemicals employee!

Isn't God amazing?

So now, two weeks into the job, things are still going very well. I enjoy the job and the people I work with. Working in a sea of cubicles, (aka a "Cube Farm") is a new experience for me. And I am positive that in a couple months, the movie "Office Space" will take on a whole new meaning! But it's exciting and I feel confident that the Lord has placed me here for a reason. I am so thankful for His faithfulness! And thank all of you for praying for me!!


Scott Donnelly said...

"Hey, Whaaat's happening. I'm gonna' have to go ahead and ask you to come in on Sunday too, mmm-kay?"

- Lumberg

Glad to hear that all is going well!

autumn said...


Jen said...

Yay! My update guilt trip worked. As soon as I read "working in a sea of cubicles" I started laughing, remembering some great scenes from Office Space. And then you mentioned the movie, too. I LOVE the scene where the beat up the fax machine. Enjoy your new job! (Did you get your own red stapler?)

Faithful Joy said...

Jen and Scotzman,

On my very first day my manager handed me a new calculator and a new stapler: they were both in boxes. I went to my cubicle and sat down, opening the stapler with baited breath to see what color it was...

It was black. Bummer!

Oh, and I don't do Sundays!!

Cheryl said...

From my cubicle sea to yours...welcome! Looking forward to seeing you this weekend.


Aaron said...

I have internet again!

Thank you God for giving Shawna a great job... amen


Hyperion said...

You rock!