Wednesday, January 18, 2006

this is the great adventure

Seems like the New Year celebrations for the past few years have brought with them huge changes in my life. New Year's Eve was never exciting in my house; it wasn't until I was a teenager and could go to youth group all-nighters that I really began celebrating them. As the years went on and I celebrated several different ways with the ever-changing groups of people in my life, it became about partying and not about a new chapter. Not partying in a BAD way, but mostly a chance to get together and hang out with friends. It's not a negative thing to hang out with friends, but the focus has changed to something deeper. Every year opens a new chapter in this great adventure with God, and He reveals Himself and His plans in new and exciting ways.

Last year I found myself walking away from the "safe and familiar" church and organizations that had been a part of my life forever. I took a huge leap of faith when Jesus asked me to follow Him, and growth and experience that came with this obedience was unprecedented. It hasn't been easy, and sometimes it has been downright grueling, yet there is a peace that passes all understanding that lies just beneath the surface. It's part of the paradox I have often mentioned; the journey of tribulation and jubilation that IS my existence.

And now, this New Year, the Lord is asking me yet again to trust His ways. We know that His ways are not man's ways, and the reconciling of such truth is not always an easy task. But it comes easier when we realize that while God is not always "safe", He is always Good. His Word promises that ALL things work together for good for those that love Him (Romans 8:28). When that truth is at the core of my being, I can trust Him and rest and in His hands, regardless of the chaos of circumstances swirling around me.

So as I stand on the edge of the unknown and face 2006, there is the slightest fraction of apprehension at the thought of moving in a new direction. But more than that there is EXCITEMENT and ANTICIPATION at the thought of this great adventure in which I am moving. God's word to me this New Year is "DREAM BIG, quit settling for less when I want you to have more!" I feel that He is telling me that I don't have to live like a penniless martyr in a temporary job or living situation in order to be ready to go when He tells me to go. It's ok to want stability and a home of my own, and even something as trivial as a "scrapbooking room". So I am moving towards the sound of His voice, pressing in to feel His heartbeat, and basking in the affection He has for me. As I run through the field of flowers and laugh at the whimsy of His love, I am impassioned to run higher up and further in so I can experience more of what He has for me. My only thought is to know Him more; to seek His face and not just His hand.

Make me what I was created to be, Lord, and let me know you.


beautiful_mistake said...
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autumn said...

I am so glad that we are friends!!!! You are so beautiful and I love you!!!

beautiful_mistake said...

hi its know michelle....... kellys little

well anyways .... i want you to check out my blog......i am posting poems i have writen and poems that i like that i have found one the net..........tay....
..........tata for now .........

some of the poems have bad words in them tay ........just wanted to let you no that befor you go to my blog............