Tuesday, December 13, 2005


Several weeks ago I wrote about experiencing a spiritual "wilderness". Since then, it hasn't seemed to get any better. It's no wonder, when my life is pretty much centered around my job and I don't have a community that I worship with regularly. I am NOT created for 40+ hours a week in a factory or office. I am created for ministry and relationship building. I long for the day when that is more the focus of my life.

Last Sunday was a great day. I was able to go to the church I love and spend sometime singing and worshipping Jesus. During the sermon, which was about God's plan for us all, the Lord revealed a couple of very important things to my heart. I want to try and communicate these things because they were very impacting.

First, Jesus showed me that I was trying to find my identity in His calling rather than in Him. It doesn't matter if I am working in a factory or in ministry; HE is my center, and I will be known as HIS and not by any title or occupation. This is a difficult achievement in a world that asks not "Who are you?", but "What do you do?". I have faith that He is able to help me rest in the knowledge that I am His beloved, regardless of what might be on my name badge.

Second, and closely related, He revealed to me that validation would not come from achieving the next step (such as making it to language school or full time ministry) but from Him. In my submission to His timing, I am also agreeing to be satisfied wherever He has me. His love, His grace, His mercy . . . . these are my only validation. I am His and He is mine, regardless of where I am. It's not easy to face people sometimes when things seem to be taking longer than what might be considered "normal" as far as fundraising and preparation. Let me be brutally honest: it can be downright paralyzing worrying what "other people" might think. I should not be trying to "prove myself" to anyone. I am called to obey the Lord Jesus Christ, not man.

Breathing in this Truth was very freeing. I felt so much lighter and more peaceful when I left church that morning. Jesus has been faithful, yet again, to speak to my heart when I desperately needed to hear my Husband's voice.


autumn said...

Man, that is awesome! I love it when God just reveals something to me and he has been doing to both of us. I love you and am soooo encouraged by your faith and love for God. Can't wait to see you!

d-roc said...

This speaks to me because of my last entry.(see Take me for longing). My boss and others want me to go to school because of where it can lead me. It's not necessarily where God will lead me.

My tendency is to listen to them and get their approval which ends up making me feel not good enough.

My validation comes from Him and He gives me my identity.