Thursday, October 06, 2005

swing your partner

Last weekend I held a square dance as a fund-raiser. Let me just say, while it was fun, it was also a LOT of work. I guess you could consider it successful, but of course, it didn't go exactly how I envisioned it. There were, however, two major highlights that evening. 1) My brother and his wife, Mindy, surprised me by driving in from Indiana. I was so stressed out for the 72 hours before hand, that I was a bundle of emotions boiling beneath the surface. When I saw their faces, the tears just exploded. I just couldn't help it! But it was all good and I was happy to see the them.

2) The second highlight was my friend, Benner, came and brought his girlfriend. He made some noise about not dancing, but ended up dancing anyway. His girlfriend left him high and dry and refused, so he danced with the Caller's wife (cowgirl hat and all!). Now, while some of you will automatically see the humor in this and fall over laughing, some of you might not quite get it. (Some of you are probably still trying to figure out what a "Caller" is!) Benner is the lead singer in a heavy metal band, long hair and all, and not the type of person you'd expect to see square dancing with a woman in her 60's wearing a cowgirl outfit. It was hysterical. And I loved every minute of it!

Speaking of the Caller, he was a riot in and of himself. He was a very "high tech redneck" with all of his music downloaded on a laptop and hooked up to the sound equipment. He even had what I call a "Madonna microphone", which is a headset mic that we see the rockstars wear on stage. He really gets into his hobby. And that's not all. Often during the evening we were treated to his singing, as he would just start singing along with the soundtrack in the middle of a song. He never "performed" a song, but enjoyed singing a verse here and there. It made me laugh. My 17 year old cousin, however, thought it was extremely annoying. Kids today. No sense of humor! She'd probably think a genius like Danny Kaye was annoying, too...

PS: I will have to post more pictures later. My ISP is too slow!


autumn said...

Heck yes to squaredancing! I had so much fun making chicken and dancing! I love you!

Anonymous said...

Hey! You should have told Jason and I... we would have tried to come:) It sounded like a great time. I would have loved to see Aaron squaredancing!

Jessica G